Monday, April 14, 2008

Diamonds Are a Guerrilla's Best Friend

The debate about how to combat poverty in the developing world has been fueled in the last couple of years by two New Yorkers. On one side of the argument is Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University and author of “The End of Poverty.” On the other is Professor William Easterly of New York University and author of “The White Man’s Burden.” Both are excellent, well-researched books that should be by your bedside.

Into this debate, there now enters another white man, Paul Collier of Oxford University and author of “The Bottom Billion.” If Sachs’s book appears too optimistic and Easterly’s too pessimistic, then Collier’s book does an excellent job of capturing the middle ground. Its analysis of the causes of poverty is compelling and the remedies it offers are more reasonable.

Collier argues that with the phenomenal growth in Asia, the world will soon consist of a top one-sixth (one billion) of rich people, a middle two-thirds (four billion) who are O.K., and another one-sixth (one billion) who will be poor. Collier refers to the bottom one billion as people living in “trapped countries, clearly heading toward what might be described as a black hole.”

He suggests that there are four traps into which really poor countries tend to fall: internal conflict or civil war, possession of natural resources, landlocked with bad neighbor, and bad governance.

It’s the second trap that provides the motivation for this article. Collier is the one who first came up with the phrase “diamonds are a guerrilla’s best friend.” A substantial part of his book concerns itself with this “resource curse.” As he sees it, the real problem about being a poor country with mineral wealth, like Nigeria, is that “resource rents make democracy malfunction”; they give rise to “a new law of the jungle . . . the survival of the fattest.”

In resource-rich countries there is little pressure for government accountability, and hence fewer checks and balances.

Looking back at the last eight years, it seems like the U.S has had fewer checks and balances and almost no government accountability. Halliburton and a few select owners of “resource diamonds” have become “fat” and while democracy is not malfunctioning I am not sure whether it has functioned the way the Founding Fathers intended it to.

Regardless of your views on the candidates running for the Democratic Presidential nomination and their fairly contentious campaigns, you should NOT make the mistake of continuing the present “guerrilla leadership” under John McCain. If you do so, then we may find ourselves headed toward the same poverty black hole like many other bottom billion nations.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Scatological Research

A DNA analysis of fossil feces found in a cave in Oregon indicates that humans lived in North America 14,340 years ago – “1,000 years before Clovis,” the previously known earliest inhabitants.

These “coprolites” yield valuable clues about diets that may have influenced the thinking and strategies of our nomadic ancestors.

Key officials in the current administration should immediately start “going in designated locations” to petrify their poop for posterity. Fifteen thousand years hence, this may provide the only clue to explain the thinking and strategies behind their delusive policies.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Parsing Paulson's Proposal

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has just released his blueprint for financial reform. Two things are very disturbing about this proposal. First, it gives the Feds increased authority to regulate a limited number of institutions that are already regulated but not the cause of today’s economic crisis. Secondly, all the proposals require the approval of Congress – a body that did not even read the Patriot Act before passing it into law is going to read and understand the economic mumbo-jumbo of the Feds?

Woe-begone to us when it’s Congress and the Feds watching the henhouse.

Might as well trust me with your money. Like all our presidential candidates, I, too, am a born-again political-cum-economic-cum-whatever change agent you want me to be. The tax rebate amount that you receive in May should be wired in full to the Swiss bank account of Dave Westfall, Esq. In return, Mr. Westfall and I promise you a WORRY-FREE and ECONOMICALLY-FRUGAL European vacation this summer.

By not even leaving your home and being hassled at the airport, you will automatically be worry free. By not spending twice as much on food in Europe, you will continue to remain economically frugal. Please e-mail me at once if you are interested and I will provide you with the details for the wire transfer. Although we are change agents, once we collect your payment, we cannot give you back any change. But we will send you a DVD on the intangible benefits of this brand new financially reformed vacation package – ABSOLUTELY FREE.


This offer is not affiliated with the NBA – Nigerian Banking Association. Participants must be over the age of 18 and sign waivers for forms OCC, OTS, CFTC, PFRA, CBRA, and LTCM, all in duplicate. Form SR (Scam Release) ought to be signed in triplicate. The vacation is completely tax-exempt and no details, especially Mr. Westfall’s, should ever be reported to the IRS.